Alec's Experience Fighting For All of Luzerne County
NEPA Through and Through
Self-taught software engineer
Witnessed Election shortfalls as a former Luzerne County Judge of Elections
Plymouth Borough Councilman
Fought lockdowns on the Luzerne County COVID-19 Crisis Management Team
Introduced an experienced executive as a member of the Luzerne County Manager Search Committee

Alec's Proven Record as a Plymouth Borough Councilman
Fighting for the community
Alec has a four-year record of being the voice for residents who lost trust in their local government. He's worked with the District Attorney's office to bring speed radar trailers to Main Street, advocated for cameras on busses to protect children at bus stops, established Plymouth a seat at the table with the Luzerne County Blight and Redevelopment Authorities, and fought against out-of-state landlords and nuisance bars that deteriorate our sense of pride and community.
Transparency and accountibility
For almost 4 years, Alec was the public’s eyes and ears when the Borough doors were closed. Alec brought Council meetings online and created an archival system for on-demand replay of past meetings.
Leadership through the pandemic
During the height of Covid-19, Alec joined forces with local Pastor Bryan Dodson to organize a food distribution site for local residents. Alec used his background in technology to create a hotline for families to request aid. With the help of seven volunteers, every week their group unloaded supplies, packed meals, and offered curbside delivery to those in need; no questions asked.
Federal aid initiative
When the COVID CARES aid reached the municipality of Plymouth, Alec lead the distribution of funds across his police, three fire departments, ambulance association, Department of Public Works, and administrative offices. These weren’t blank checks. As a group, Alec worked to determine products and services that would benefit most from a one-time cash infusion and wouldn’t create a recurring burden on taxpayers.
Constituent services
Alec loves local government because it’s designed to be the most accessible form of government and he prides himself on his constituent services. Alec’s been blessed to be able to knock doors and hold meaningful conversations in person and online to get where he is today. Residents can reach Alec via his personal website, social media, email, or even cell phone. On the campaign trail for Council, and now on his journey for State Representative, he put his phone number on every card he leaves with voters while at their doorstep.
Tragedy to turning point
Only a few months into his first year as a Councilman, tragedy struck the community. On July 7, 2020, two teenagers lost their lives to the Susquehanna river. Joining forces with the affected families and church, Alec led the government’s post-emergency action that included participation from Plymouth Borough, Luzerne County, and the Army Corps of Engineers. As the bridge between these agencies, Alec identified safety concerns at the river bed and levee, accessed funding by writing grants, and designed and executed a memorial and safety initiative. Together Alec and his team turned a tragedy into a powerful message now used to protect the next generation of residents and recreationists.
Let’s put the 119th on the
Winning Side of Progress

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